Building Wealth With Tomii Academy
Building Wealth With Tomii Academy
You MUST Understand How the Tail Wags the Dog for Investment Success

You MUST Understand How the Tail Wags the Dog for Investment Success

If you don't, you'll be constantly misled by white noise into making poor investment decisions

For the visually inclined, to watch the video podcast, click here (subscribing for free to my rokfin platform is necessary to watch). Today’s podcast is a continuation of my series of how the Military Industrial Banking (MIB) complex perception management game is played to manipulate and influence commodity prices in the real world.

Below are real profits of skwealthacademy patrons that followed my buying and selling guidance for all 27 assets of which we divested earlier this month using knowledge of how the tail wags the dog (all documented on the patreon platform with exact buying and selling price points). I have ommitted the identity of the assets as we will likely repurchase the below group of stocks again (along with some new ones I’ve been tracking for a couple of years), once their prices have significantly corrected.

Building Wealth With Tomii Academy
Building Wealth With Tomii Academy
Building Wealth With Tomii Academy will challenge you to think about finance, money, building wealth and "success" in ways have never done before. Listen and understand why society's definition of wealth, success and intellect almost certainly is out of alignment with the core principles that impart meaning and purpose to your life.