If you ask 100 different people, what are the biggest problems in the world that need resolution,you will likely receive many different answers. However, unless you ask the Gatekeepers of the Great Reset, among the top 10 answers would likely be access to clean water, massive reduction in poverty and hunger, massive reduction in wealth inequality in all nations, end to all resource wars, access to high quality education, health care for all, and the stamping out of terrorism.
However, what is ignored 100% of the time in mainstream narratives is how one common denominator massively contributes to all of these problems above and how nearly every effort I’ve read to solve all of the above problems shockingly omit, the best and most effective solution, by far, to all of the above problems. The common denominator that vastly creates the world’s greatest problems is an immoral, unethical monetary and banking system known as Central Banking. The one solution that would vastly solve all these problems created by Central Bankers is sound money. I will never stop advocating for the return of a sound money system until the day I die and every Central Banker that continues to contribute to all of the world’s biggest problems of suffering should truly rue the day that have to meet his or her Maker.
Specifically, because the re-establishment of sound money in our world would effectively solve the above problems within five years to a greater degree than all other prior attempts combined that have occurred during our entire lifetime, this is why you likely have never read a comprehensive article about this solution that exists in plain sight in any major media publication before. In fact, I’m fairly certain that those interested in sound money issues have read plenty of articles regarding why a return to sound money is impossible while they have not read a single one about why it is not only possible, but also very implementable given advances in technology that exist today.
Those that own global mass media distribution channels and serve as the Gatekeepers of information are incented to maintain the status quo, that is, to ensure that none of the above problems ever are solved as the Military Industrial Banking Complex (MIBC) needs:
(1) Endless War for war profiteering, gaining hegemonic control of the world’s resources, and to serve as an occasional distraction from the perpetually degrading quality of life they enforce upon us through their constant purchasing power devaluation of all fiat currencies in the entire world (which is why the mass’s income increases buy quality of life decreases);
(2) Endless hunger to oppress billions of people and to prevent them from attaining the proper nutritional levels to be of strong enough mind and body as is necessary to rise up, fight against, and eventually overthrow the oppressors;
(3) Endless poverty to provide the labor force willing to work for a few dollars a day under harsh, often inhumane conditions to produce the mineral resources and products the oppressors need to distract all socioeconomic classes to keep us fixated on materialism versus a search for true purpose and meaning in life. Such distractions prevent any questioning of the primary role our current immoral global monetary system plays in the creation of our biggest global problems. And if such questioning is prevented, then no real solutions to the world’s greatest problems will not only never be executed, they will never even be pondered;
(4) Lack of access to a higher quality of education, not lack of access to higher education, to maintain the low level of critical thinking necessary for those in power today financially and politically to control our thoughts and beliefs. If you wish to read my extensive commentary on the solutions to our horrible condition of education today, click here. For example, Oxford, the University of Tokyo, Harvard, the University of Toronto, the University of Melbourne, etc. are all considered institutions of higher education that do not necessarily provide a high quality of education in many academic disciplines in my humble opinion. And by stripping critical thinking skills from the industry of higher education, this allows the misanthropes in powers to direct our behavior into actions that are harmful, rather than beneficial, to ourselves. I have witnessed time and time again, like during the endless lockdowns from 2020 to 2023, “educated” people act as useful idiots for the Ruling Class by serving as prison guards of the gulag.
And our feeding at the trough of Gatekeeper propaganda maintains the status quo (make sure you subscribe to my Substack here if you want to read about how the Ruling Class is now using AI to serve as the Gatekeeper of information to prevent truth from reaching us). Disruption of the status quo is what the Gatekeepers fear the most, especially disruption of our current immoral global monetary system, as this would mean that the Gatekeepers would not be able to game the system anymore to build, maintain and grow the generational wealth they so desire. Due to the rotten state of global academia today, most of us do not understand that the trite cliches of “pull yourself up by the bootstraps” is heavily tipped in favor of those born into the highest socioeconomic classes and that anything remotely close to a level playing field in the pursuit of income will never exist unless sound money is restored to every nation on earth.
(5) Massive wealth inequality, and growing divide of the inequality between the rich and the middle class and the rich and the poor worldwide, keeps all of the above problems festering in a bacteria laden petri dish favorable for its growth by metastasis. Many times, those in control of media today attempt to label all those that expose the growing wealth inequality around the world as socialists that desire wealth redistribution solely for the sake of wealth redistribution. And though there are some socialists that advocate for this solution to the global wealth inequality problem, their advocacy of this solution likely stems from their lack of awareness of how sound money would level the playing field in a global banking system with built-in advantages for only the rich that enables them to build wealth much more easily than all other socio-economic classes. Thus, those that control mass media act as if our current unfair, immoral banking and monetary system provides a level playing field to all of us when it clearly does not.
Below is a graphic (source: https://www.webfx.com/blog/internet/the-6-companies-that-own-almost-all-media-infographic/) that displays the concentrated ownership of US media. In fact, just six companies in the US own nearly all media in America, a condition that explains why it is near impossible to ensure that dissenting factual views, such as the ones presented in this article, will reach millions of people, let alone a few hundred thousand.
So, how would sound money make the biggest sustainable inroads into the conditions that give rise to world poverty, food insecurity, never ending wars and the continual recruitment of new terrorists by food and income insecure inhabitants of this world? I don’t blame those that possess massive scepticism about sound money having the capacity to simultaneously make greater inroads into the world’s greatest problems within five years than we have experienced over the course of our entire lifetimes. Such an outcome from a fairly simple solution seems to be unrealistic at first glance. However, the reason most of us can’t conceive that such staggering progress can spring forth from one solution is because the Ruling Class has eradicated the in-depth teaching of the concepts and history of sound money from every academic classroom in the world. From the Ruling Class perspective, it makes sense that such an important topic would be censored from all of institutional academia, because such critical education would birth revolt against the status quo and the Ruling Class would no longer be able to maintain order and socioeconomic segmentation as they see fit. Thus, if you haven’t spent a decade of your life studying this subject, than it is only natural one would have a difficult time understanding the miraculous benefits of a global sound monetary system.
But before I explain how sound money would create significant progress in levels unforeseen before in solving the world’s greatest problems, allow me to explain a critical factor about sound money that 100% of people with whom I discussed the concept of sound money in the past decade have failed to understand.
In the year 2000, former US Central Bank Chairman Alan Greenspan told US Senator Ron Paul that he couldn’t define what money was anymore and that “it [was] not possible to manage something you [could] not define.” Though this statement by the world’s most powerful banker should have been an immediate red flag to every citizen in the world to prepare for decades of devaluing purchasing power, two decades later, well less than 1% of the world’s citizens have done anything to prepare, even as of 2023. And I believe that this failure is a direct consequence of our ignorance in understanding the definition of sound money.
In my upcoming skwealthacademy, I discuss the 10 minimum qualifications of sound money, which I believe would be most ably implemented by a return to a true gold standard. Below, I’ll discuss two of these 10 characteristics, which should be sufficient to illustrate the point I wish to make:
(1) All national reserves must 100% be held in physical gold and not in any paper notes or digital currencies, other than as representations of physical gold units by weight. Every nation in the world, not just some nations, must have a fixed monetary gold unit of weight, specific to its own economic needs, as its monetary standard.
(2) All holders of that domestic money, whether an individual, an institution, or a government, can exchange any national physical or digital representation of the monetary units of physical gold into physical gold at any time they desire, absent of any conditions of conversion, at a minimum, in any nation in the world at the conversion rate established inside of their nation.
There are several reasons why I determined the above two conditions necessary for a return to sound money. First, sound money can never be represented by any form of digital money ever, as such a form of money can always be created out of thin air, a characteristic of our current fiat currencies that have caused all of us to suffer massive inflation for the duration of our collective lifetimes. I explained here why it’s absurd for BTC maximalists to state that the number of BTCs are capped at a maximum amount in a discourse that explains why advocates of 100% digital money generally have no understanding of the thousands of years of monetary history, an ignorance that spawns a false belief that digital money can serve as sound money.
In any event, the very nature of sound money needing tangible, physical, inherent qualities that can be measured in weight versus being measured by the assignment of different numbers on cloth and plastic notes means that it is infinitely more difficult to counterfeit, and infinitely easier to identify counterfeit copies of this money, qualities that are massively critical to ensuring its integrity is inviolable. Allow me to explain.
If we investigate a period further back in time during the 1600s and 1700s when gold coins, silver coins and the paper notes that represented them were simultaneously in circulation, we can examine this monetary system to understand how this system can protect citizens against the monetary debasement policies of Central Bankers. However, in my academy (click here for the curriculum), I’ve even proposed improvements upon the structure of this historical gold standard that utilizes modern advancements in technology to improve upon its facet of monetary integrity. During WWI, Bank of England (BOE) central bankers devalued the pound greatly, significantly destroying the wealth of its citizens in the process, and they tried to hide this devaluation from not only its citizens but also from the rest of the world. Let’s consider how a gold standard would have immediately notified holders of the British pound that Central Bankers were destroying their wealth.
If the hypothetical fixed weight of gold in a coin were 1 gram during WWI, the early 1700s, or any other period in history during which a gold standard was not in effect, and bankers started to commit fraud, there would still be gold coins in circulation that contained 1 gram of pure gold and representative paper notes in circulation that represented 1 gram of pure gold. Consequently, if bankers started minting gold coins that only contained 0.9 grams of gold when the gold standard fixed unit of weight was 1.0 gram of gold, then people would start hoarding gold coins and the associated paper notes that contained and represented one full gram of gold.
In turn, businesses and merchants would only accept coins minted and notes printed prior to the banker debasement of gold coins to only 0.9 grams, or require a greater quantity of the devalued notes and coins than the good notes and coins as payment for their goods and services. In other words, the banker introduction of debased or “bad” money into circulation would chase out the good money from circulation, and the principle known as Gresham’s Law would manifest. Simply put, during times of banker deceit and fraud, citizens would hoard the good money and avoid acceptance of the bad money whenever possible. As long as the date was noted at which bankers started debasing the currency, all citizens could simply look at the dates printed on all paper notes and know that all notes printed after a certain date represented a bad note, until the time arrived when the bankers stopped cheating people out of the valid conversion rate of gold. (PS, I realize that 1g of gold would make for an incredibly small coin tyhat would be easy to lose, so, such a small quantity of gold would necessarily need to be represented by a paper note 100% backed by this amount. And perhaps a minimum of ten 1g notes would be necessary to request conversion into a 10g physical coin.)
Furthermore, if the debased gold coins in question (that contained less than the stated official amount) were minted by the US government, then citizens could simply reject using US gold coins in favor of French gold coins or Brazilian gold coins and this rejection of a nation’s money all around the world, even within domestic borders, would prove to be very problematic for the minters of US gold coins until they fixed this problem.
Eventually, since no one would accept gold coins and the associated notes dated after the date bankers started debasing the money, or demand a greater quantity of the new coins and new notes for payments than the old coins and old notes, nobody would accept the new notes and coins and they would become problematic to use. After a period of time, when people simply refused to accept the bad money as payment and all the good money had been chased out of circulation, then Gresham’s Law would escalate to the next level. With no good money in circulation, or rarely in circulation, eventually the bad money would be chased out of circulation too. In other words, a liquidity crunch would develop because of the willingness of so few people to accept the debased forms of money the bankers had created, and eventually, the bankers would have to allow people to exchange their bad notes and bad coins for good ones again. Eventually, all “bad” money would disappear from circulation over time as the bad coins of 0.9 grams of gold were re-minted and converted back into good coins containing 1 gram of gold.
(In order for all of you to properly understand how much of the history of money has been deliberately withheld from academic classrooms all around the world, my Course C, What is Money, contains 14 lessons and 12 exercises across 268 written pages and more than 14.5 hours of accompanying audio material. And Couse C is completely separate from my courses about gold and silver and many other monetary topics.)
In any event, with the understanding that sound money must be tangible, rare, durable, and possess inherent qualities of weight among many other characteristics, in Part II of this article, I explore the reasons why the wealthiest people in the world perpetually denigrate a return to sound money as unachievable and unrealistic, when, with a proper team of intelligent, applied economists (not academic trained economists), we could likely implement a real gold standard in the top 20 largest economies in the world within a year, from start of development to full adoption. This propaganda narrative is constantly forwarded, because with knowledge of monetary history practically non-existent among the consciousness of global citizens, it is not too difficult to convince billions to believe in a false narrative for which almost no one has the knowledge to intelligently dissent to their propagation and distribution. For these very reasons, BTC maximalists have also been able to deceive hundreds of millions into believing that BTC can serve as sound money.
I have made this entire article, Part I and Part II, free to all non-subscribers to my substack newsletter, so please sign up for a free membership here to ensure that you are notified of the more important Part II of this article upon its release, in which I explain why the re-instatement of Sound Money must be Step 1 in all processes to solve any of the world’s greatest problems and why the ruling class are working non-stop around the clock to prevent this knowledge from becoming commonplace among humanity.
Also if you would like to be part of the solution moving forward, please share this article and Part II with all others that you think this article may enlighten, as this article is certain to be censored by Google search algorithms from appearing insearch engine results and shadowbanned from all social media searches. Just FYI, I also use the number of shares my articles receive to determine what topics to write about more in the future. Articles that receive the most shares, since they seem to be of most interest to readers, are the most likely to receive follow up articles moving forward.
Click here to donate to the skwealthacademy gofundme campaign to help launch the academy in Q1 2023!
skwealthacademy’s roll call
(others that have perpetually risked their financial livelihood to speak truth that everyone should support if possible):
Continuing Ed, with Ed Snowden
The Corbett Report, by James Corbett
Of Two Minds, Charles Hugh Smith
Whitney Webb, Unlimited Hangout
Sample Testimonials from Paying Subscribers, re: the substack skwealthacademy newsletter, by J. Kim
“You have helped me stop the habit of losing money. Up 30% since I joined your team…Thanks for all the insight.. I found you earlier on ZH and started following and reading. Joined Patreon and began utilizing your methods July 25.. Because I stopped my stupid mistakes and refuse to take losses, I am up $30K utilizing $90K. $10K paper and rest earned. Nice to see increases in the account in this environment. Thanks for the hard work!” – Richard B.
“John's analysis of price movements in various equities turns out to be very accurate. I always look at recommendations from various sources to see if they use past market statistics to predict future performance. If that turns out to be true then I totally disregard their recommendations since it is like driving down a freeway with your eyes firmly fixed on your rear view mirror. John's track record is really excellent and I would strongly recommend joining his Substack channel.” – Harley O.
“John Kim and his skwealthacademy have been instrumental in a number of winning trades presented to his subscribers over the past few years. John has a knack for ferreting out a consistent parade of trades that have increased my trading account value tremendously. I would highly recommend that you subscribe to his Substack channel and benefit from his knowledge and expertise in traversing the Arena known as the Stock Market. You won't regret it! Happy trading, All." – Alex E.
“John Kim offers simple honest financial advice. He is excellent at his craft and explains his reasons for each trade. John works hard for his money and I consider his financial advice the best on the street. I may have 10 to 15 emails to read and I will always read John Kim first. Great guy to have on your team as we try to increase our assets.” – Kevin H.
“My God you have been so right about crypto and they have been so wrong. My brother was going to buy at $60k because of Riskhedge and I told him not to based on [your suggestion that BTC] could fall to the $20k mark. Saved him a lot of money…keep up the great work John.” – A Satisfied Subscriber
“Thank you. your report gives me a clearer understanding of your approach to investing and a comfort level knowing such. It's kind of like having a TA and FA [with] John. Glad I am on board with you for the wild ride ahead.” – MorePaul
“You seem to have been in that very small group of ‘thinkers’ in which I have lived for over half a century, John. I hold extremely few people in awe in this sad world, but Hugo Salinas Price and Mr. John Kim are among them. HSP’s relentless unparalleled efforts to get Mexico on a silver standard currency is pure genius. My hope is that soon he will succeed in that mission.” – aJoseph
“Found you through your article yesterday. What impressed me most was your clear sighted understanding of how manipulated these markets are, and the criminals that control them. Absolutely, TA alone isn't sufficient. Happy to have found someone who has access to, and understanding of, manipulation metrics.” – Blueheadinvestor
“Mr. Kim of skwealthacademy in undoubtedly one of the best writers of our time, he writes the best articles on Zero Hedge without fail.” – Dave
“Great work tho! Very much appreciate following your insights and analysis. Def making me money and not losing money.” – Aldous
“Correct & accurate analysis. Brilliant meta analysis. Thank you for putting in the work & discipline & sharing with us.” – Joseph M.
“Mr. Kim has, along with Ted Butler and Andrew Macguire, the best understanding and expositions of the longstanding silver and gold suppression efforts by the powers that be. I can only hope he has an idea to share with us of how much longer they can keep the lid on the pot.” – Robert R.
“Excellent analysis and prediction. You're amazing.” – Wayne (in reference to my prediction that BTC prices, when trading at $21k, would crash to $17k in six weeks)
“I have benefited greatly from the skwealthacademy by J. Kim. it is of most benefit to me that I don't have to second guess myself and have someone I trust to rely on.” - Jean
“In the world of financial analysis, adaptability and vision are rare…These two pieces of information really resonated for me. Thank you for your wise words. Cheers.” – Tim P.
“Thanks for your excellent work. You are good and you are improving my investment skills.” – Kevin H.
“I signed up to [skwealthacademy substack] about 6months ago after carefully following what he said in my own ‘virtual’ form . Where I track what so called pundits say by doing what they sat virtually with no actual monies involved . Suffice to say I signed up and follow his advice . This guy seems to really know his stuff and I love people who are contrarians anyway.” – Realismatwork
“Appreciate the articles Mr Kim. If you opened a Tip jar I'd throw a few bucks in when I read something I found enlightening.” – L2J
“Please keep on plugging away John because there is really no objective analysis in the whole world except for your great analysis.” – Harley O.
“Excellent work! A wealth of knowledge in every article!” – Duran
“Thank you for your articles spreading facts and truths hidden from average people.” – Truthwinsalways
“I really appreciate your creative insight drawing diverse element into a coherent whole.” – Thomas
“Thank you for your guidance and opinions. You are a hard worker and a blessing to know.” - SoftBullet
“I really enjoyed your talk, thank you – it’s refreshing to know there are divergent people out there who think critically. I personally find it insightful to ask "is this information Falsifiable?" which combines Openness with the Scientific Method. Qui Bono helps as well.” – Jeffz99
Whenever I have described fractional reserve banking to a friend or colleague who is not a banking specialist, they all say, No, it can't be that way! Nobody would accept that! Then I describe fiat currency and they say the same thing. There are a few curious smart people who are open to learning, and they realize the inevitable slippery slope such a system engenders, but the vast majority of people just say, it can't be that way, somebody at the government must be supervising it, blah, blah, blah. Most people ARE NOT CAPABLE of juggling disparate pieces of information that are contradictory or upsetting. A few years ago I read a book on the history of money or finances, and I remember an event where Mayer Rothschild was traveling with some political envoy and he was going to make some financing proposal to some politicians. The proposal was along the lines of fractional reserves, fiat, etc. The envoy said it wouldn't work and Rothschild said something along the lines of - It will be so profitable for the architects of the system that they won't object, and to the masses who don't benefit, they won't believe you even if you tell them directly how it works. -
I agree completely that sound money is the most fair and just system, but it forces all economic growth to be organic, which is much slower than financially engineered inflationary growth. So it is inevitable that opportunists will ALWAYS manipulate the system through fraud. Every history I have read concerning coins going back to ancient Greece indicated that the system always starts out honest, and rapidly the coins began to be clipped and counterfeited.
When the Ruble was slammed in the currency markets and then rebounded within 24 hours of Putin announcing the ruble would be backed by gold, I thought the jig was up. But to my dismay, it was not. Just as Rothschild said, even when the system is directly explained, or even better, demonstrated right in front of your eyes, , most people will not believe it. Still, I continue to try to educate people when I get into discussions about it, and I do reach somebody once in a while. You are certainly reaching many thinkers who are capable of seeing the big picture once they get accurate data, like you supply. Another aspect beyond fractional reserve and fiat, is the US dollar being the world reserve currency. Without this status, the state department and intelligence agencies could not conjure billions out of thin air to "persuade" foreign politicians and businessmen to allow and support coups, assassinations, military bases, drug trafficking, human trafficking, and who knows what else.
Thanks John. I enjoyed that article. I'm interested in more articles about Sound Money as well as times in history when there was no income tax. I'm led to believe by reliable sources (I'm yet to investigate myself) that some of the more prosperous times in history were periods where there was no income tax collected and that there are ways to exist and pay for societies collective needs without State collected income tax. Cheers, r.